KotH server rules
Updated: Nov 14, 2022
Intentional teamkilling in any form will not be tolerated and can result in a ban.
Players found to be abusing side channels with voice chat may receive a ban. Music streaming is allowed if done ONLY in GROUP or VEHICLE channel.
The secondary “Non-Game Related” chat channel in server is for non-game related chat, similar to a group chat. Rules about abuse/racism/slurs etc. still apply but you may use this channel to discuss friendly topics. Ranting, being abusive, or creating arguments will still not be tolerated. The “Side” channel is mainly for team call outs in game and tactical information, while the secondary channel is not so restrictive.
If you observe rule-breakers, report them to staff and let us handle it. Retaliating/vigilantism is not tolerated and will often just get you banned even though your intentions might’ve been good.
Anyone found to be using scripts or hack menus or injections of ANY kind will receive a permanent ban. Knowingly aiding and abetting a cheater may also result in a ban.
Anyone found to be “trolling” or “griefing” other players may receive a ban. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Ramming friendly vehicles.
- Running over teammates at spawn.
- Blocking the spawn pavilion using vehicles. Such as landing/hovering helicopters or driving vehicles on/in it.
Anyone found to be stealing assets from other teammates may recieve a ban. This includes looting teammates waiting to be revived.
Anyone found to be “stream sniping” while streamers are present on servers may recieve a ban.
Anyone arguing with server staff may be removed from the said server or servers; if you wish to discuss a ban/kick for instance, come to our Teamspeak (teamspeak.codefourgaming.com) or Discord (discord.codefourgaming.com) (this includes argumentative team-mates).
Any persons or third party advertising on any of our servers will see their ArmA account permanently banned. This does not include teamspeaks or other servers unless it’s done via global or side.
Anyone using racism or hatespeech may recieve a ban. Those jokes are low hanging fruit, not ever clever or classy.
Unit pictures with any kind of racism, suggestive and offensive content may result in a ban. Units deemed inappropriate, may also be banned by admins at their discretion
Players found to be exploiting in-game bugs or glitches of any kind may receive a permanent ban. This includes actions such as (but not limited to): glitching inside rocks, poking gun thru tower walls/floors, hiding In blown up objects, hiding in downed walls.
Anyone found to be sharing information on their own teammates with other teams may recieve a permanent ban.
Please use English in public facing in-game chat (VON and text) and as much as possible when trying to communicate with server staff. Anyone found to be excessively toxic towards other players may receive a ban.
Some servers may have an optional “Russian” VON channel in which it is okay to speak Russian. Rules on abuse/racism/slurs etc. still apply to this channel.
You are allowed to spawncamp granted that you don’t enter the enemy safezone, with the exception of air vehicles engaged in an active chase of enemy vehicles. Also see “Abusing safezone” for more information.
Helicopters acting as “Redneck Pawnees” on infantry servers are only allowed to enter safe zone when actively chasing an enemy. They are not allowed to loiter over enemy spawn or pass through/over it unless in an engagement. Once an enemy leaves spawn protection (vertically or horizontally) they can be be killed.
Vehicle Servers
Shooting out of spawn: You are allowed to engage targets from your spawn zone.
What this basically means is that if you can see an enemy Jet from your Safezone. He can engage you and you can engage him.
Exceptions to that rule:
– Unarmed Transports Vehicle that are going to the AO (You can engage campers coming to your spawn).
– Targets inside the AO (unless they shoot at you from there).
If you engage from inside your spawn zone, you will not be able to rearm until you have left the safe zone completely and returned inside.
Targeting enemies using laser designators from inside the safezone is not allowed.
Infantry Servers
On infantry KotH you are not allowed to shoot from your safezone unless you are being spawncamped and you are defending yourself.
Do not use air vehicles as suicide weapons against the enemy.
This applies to drones as well.
Do not go AFK for an extended period of time, especially when the server is full or you are using vehicles with a limit per team or a parity count. Going afk for a short period of time is fine (like 1-2 minutes, outside of vehicles).
Ground units are not allowed to enter enemy safezones. You can fly through the enemy’s spawn ONLY when chasing or being chased. Do not hover/fly slowly over their safezone while waiting for enemy transports to leave.
All armed choppers and AA vehicles must leave the safe zone horizontally as depicted on the map before engaging distant hostiles and returning to base/repair pad.
Anyone found to be evading a ban with another account will have his ban extended or changed to perm on ALL owned accounts.
Map drawing is meant for teams to share visual tactical information, not for drawing doodles.
For ban appeals or to report rule breakers, check our support page.
Repeated offences of any rule can result in a permanent ban and/or global WS ban (depending on severity). Rules are enforced by server staff at their discretion. Any complaints about server staff must be directed to a Senior Admin or member of Management. Ask for one in Discord.
*Trolling definition: All kinds of destructive actions that interrupts/bothers others players game in a negative way.
*Full server definition: The server is considered full in this regard if all normal (non-reserved) slots are filled. There are 5 reserved slots on all servers.
All of the above are subject to change at any time and without warning. It is your responsibility to keep yourself updated